
Myths about coronavirus - COVID 19

Myths about coronavirus - COVID 19 Coronavirus is a deadly disease This is not true. If you see statistical, the death rate of coronavirus is approximate 2% which is much lower than SARS where the death percentage was 5 to 6%, MERS where it is 34%, EBOLA 14.4%. If you compare coronavirus with the ordinary flu where the death rate is 0.1, the fatality rate of coronavirus is slightly higher but not very. The problem with coronavirus is that it is highly contagious. Which means that it spread faster amongst people. What is so unique about coronavirus spread The spread of the virus means how quickly it jumps from one person to another. The coronavirus appears to have a spread prate of 2 to 3. This means if a person is infected with coronavirus he will transfer it to another 2-3 person. Now if you compare this with the measles virus, the spread rate is 11 to 17 people. So compared to measles infection coronavirus spreads lesser. However, this rate of 2-3 is also an alarming rate...

COVID-19 a homeopathic perspective and finding the genus epidemicus and prevention.

Coronaviruses (CoV) are a large family of viruses that cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases. COVID-19 also called as Novel Coronavirus 19, is a viral infection caused by such a coronavirus. This is an animal to human transmission disease, where the virus is transferred from an infected animal to humans and then spreads rapidly from human to human. MICROSCOPIC EXAMINATION Under the microscope, the Coronavirus is a single strand RNA virus. It has protein spikes on its surface and these resemble a crown. Hence the name CORONA - which in Latin means CROWN. HISTORY This Coronavirus has a long history. The similar type of infection was detected in 2003 and was labeled as SARS, and in 2012 as MERS SARS - Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, it was caused by a Coronavirus, where the transmission was from Bats to Civets to Humans. MERS - Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, it was caused by a Coronavirus, where the transmission was fro...


My son cannot tolerate cold drinks. The moment he drinks a little of it, he starts coughing immediately. Whenever I do dusting work at home, the next day my child is down with breathlessness. Going to a party is really a sorry feeling for him. He just cannot eat anything and has to only observe the others enjoying it. These are common remarks heard by doctors. When taken to the doctor, he is labeled as ‘allergic’ or ‘allergy prone’. Hearing this word you feel like being pushed miles apart. But does every individual suffer from an allergy? Does every individual have to put restrictions on themselves? What is the reason for it? What is an allergy? Allergy is the hypersensitive (abnormal) response to an allergen otherwise harmless to the body. This means that certain substances like milk and other dairy products, eggs, wheat, peanuts and seafood , dust, pollens which are harmless to a normal individual, triggers the immune response in allergic individuals. The body treats...